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Empowerment of St. Wilhelmus school at Powakka village

Empowerment of St. Wilhelmus school at Powakka village

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Background on the Project

Heavy Equipment Rental N.V. (HER N.V.) has been a part of the Powakka village’s landscape for years. Our recent focus is on St. Wilhelmus school, driven by a commitment to contribute positively to the community we operate in. This initiative is an extension of our belief in sustainable community development, specifically through improving education, which is also reflected in Sustainable Development Goal 4 – Quality Education.

The Shift in Approach

Traditionally, our support for the Powakka community involved financial contributions. However, this year, we decided to take a more direct approach. Understanding that the impact of physical presence and material support can be more significant, we chose to focus on the educational needs of the village’s youth. This approach was a step towards creating a more meaningful and lasting impact.

Initial Engagement and Understanding

Our first step was a visit to the school in August. During this visit, our team met with the school’s leadership and teachers. The goal was to understand the immediate and long-term needs of the school. This interaction provided a clear picture of how we could best contribute. We also spent time with the students, engaging in informal interactions, which helped us understand their aspirations and challenges.

Contributions and Activities

Following our initial visit, we returned in October, equipped with school packages for each student and additional resources for the teachers. These packages were tailored to address the specific needs identified during our previous interactions. Our aim was to not just provide supplies but to also enhance the overall learning environment and support the teachers in their crucial role.

Feedback and Impact

The response from the school and the village was overwhelmingly positive. The school principal and teachers expressed their appreciation for the targeted support, and the students’ excitement was evident. This feedback was valuable as it confirmed the effectiveness of our approach and the genuine impact of our contributions.

Collaborative Efforts and Sustained Commitments

Our initiative was strengthened by collaboration with local and national figures. Hadassah van der Jagt from the Up2You Foundation, and Ethan Asimia, a national athlete, played significant roles. Their involvement brought additional perspectives and resources to the project, enhancing its overall impact. We also had the support of Mr. Vismale from the 1voor12 Television station, who helped in sharing our story with a wider audience.

The initial success of our project is just the beginning. We are committed to maintaining our support for the St. Wilhelmus school and the Powakka community. We believe that sustained involvement is key to achieving long-term improvements in education and community development.

Expanding our initiatives

As we continue our efforts, we remain open to suggestions and feedback. Understanding different perspectives and ideas is crucial to refining and improving our approach.

Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below or reach out to us through our contact page.

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