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Earning the Blue Wave Supplier Development Program Platinum Badge

Earning the Blue Wave Supplier Development Program Platinum Badge

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Why We Pursued the Blue Wave Program

In light of Suriname’s expanding offshore oil industry, HSP identified an opportunity to differentiate itself in the market. Our participation in the Blue Wave Supplier Development Program, led by Blue Wave and supported by industry leaders like Staatsolie, Chevron, and ExxonMobil, was a strategic move. We chose Heavy Equipment Rental NV (HER NV) for this venture, seeing a direct link between the program’s objectives and our ambitions for ISO 9001:2015 certification.

Encouraging Health and Teamwork

Our Sports Day saw a fantastic 96% participation rate. We chose a Sunday for the event to ensure maximum attendance. The day began with soccer warm-ups, followed by official matches in the evening. The games were marked by a spirit of healthy competition and sportsmanship, with volunteer referees ensuring fair play.

Program Overview

Starting in July 2023, the Blue Wave program covered essential topics such as HSSE, Cyber Security, Quality Corporate Policies, Financials, ESG, and Technical Capabilities, spread across seven pillars. Training sessions were held bi-weekly, encouraging cross-departmental participation and fostering skills in collaboration, communication, and management.

Over six months, HER NV committed to fully integrating the program’s teachings, aiming for 100% compliance by proactively developing and refining our processes and strategies.

Achievement Unlocked

Our dedication paid off when HER NV achieved 100% compliance in the program’s second assessment, earning us the coveted platinum badge. This was a testament to the hard work and dedication of our staff and management, who balanced program commitments with their daily responsibilities.

Graduation and Beyond

The graduation ceremony on January 22nd was not only a celebration of our achievement but also an opportunity to broaden our network and build new connections. Following our success, Staatsolie highlighted our achievements in an official media statement, showcasing our commitment to excellence.

Motivated by this accomplishment, we’re now introducing Pelican Trucking NV, another HSP company, to the Blue Wave program. Our experience and insights from the first round were shared with new participants, aiming to inspire and motivate them towards achieving their best.

Looking Ahead

The success of our Sports Day goes beyond participation numbers. It has played a significant role in promoting a healthier workplace culture, encouraging gender inclusivity, and strengthening team bonds. We’re excited to build on this momentum for future events.

Join our Journey

We’re proud of our progress and eager to continue advancing towards excellence.
Interested in learning more about our initiatives or want to get involved? We welcome your questions and participation.

Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below or reach out to us through our contact page.

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